Ersatz Audio was founded in late 1995 by Adam Lee Miller and R. Saltz. It was created as a medium for what the duo called ultra-synthetic music, a characteristic they found lacking in much of modern electronic dance music. By ultra-synthetic music, Miller and Saltz meant to describe a kind of music that was so extremely synthetic that the "machine feel" might surpass the "human touch" (a task they felt impossible, yet a goal that they would always aspire to deliver with Ersatz Audio). The first 4 Ersatz Audio releases encompass an intellectual phase concluding with EZ-004 (Omni-Olio: a compilation of Ersatz Audio artists thus far). The next 5 releases would embrace Ersatz Audio's definition of electro-pop, while still having the "Ersatz Audio sound" - a sound that balanced clean against dirty. During this period, R. Saltz left the label to pursue a career in computer science. Shortly after his departure, Nicola Kuperus joined Mr. Miller in the operation of Ersatz Audio. Now, with Ersatz Audio's next 6 releases, Ersatz continues to deliver leading music, music that dodges easy categorizes. While these shifts in style might sound drastic in print, the discography has a unified sound that borrows from the past, and yet steals from the future. Ersatz: Serving as a substitute, synthetic, artificial ERSATZ AUDIO: The Forgotten Sounds of Tomorrow.™ Top | BACK TO LIST | Compiled 1999-2002 GLOBAL DARKNESS | TLR
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